Cleaning, disinfecting, and deodorizing a scene following a traumatic discovery is the main task involved in trauma and crime scene cleanup.

Instances such as homicides, suicides, and unattended deaths are the most common incidents that may require the services of professional trauma scene cleaners. It is essential to hire a professional, trained, and certified cleaning team to handle these situations due to the significant amounts of blood and bodily fluid present in the area, which may carry harmful blood-borne pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis, and other potentially infectious materials.

Moreover, trauma cleaning services are not limited to post-death situations; they may also be necessary after a severe illness or major injury, where an area is contaminated with urine, feces, blood, and other bodily fluids.

We take a careful assessment of the affected and unaffected areas and use caution to prevent cross contamination.

To prevent the spread of biological hazards, we use plastic sheeting to isolate the affected area, and we salvage any usable items to minimize costs, discarding only those that have been impacted.

We maintain a professional approach while working with all parties involved, particularly recognizing the sensitivity of trauma and the privacy concerns of our clients.